Lunar Exploration: In Depth Case Studies

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Critical Essays In Depth: 1 | 2 Press Room Having Fine Yet?
A wise person once said, "Anything worth doing is worth doing well." No, David, that wasn't you...not a wise guy, a person of wisdom. May I continue?? This page has been put together following that philosophy -- it's full of the best, most informative data that people are just dying to read...good, pertinent details about all of our innermost thoughts and desires -- what makes us act the way we do...and the way we don't. And despite what David would have you believe, many of these motivations have absolutely nothing to do with underwear. ~~Maddie
Lunacy: The Good Stuff

Red Hot Photos Goofing Off Talking Dirty Fan Captions Bar Break Having Fun Yet? ML Parodies: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Maddie, Maddie, Maddie -- somebody needs to remind you that lightening up is not only something you do to your hair each month. And you people -- wander on in to ol' Uncle Dave's page...and learn the naked truth about what fun really is -- lots of pictures, easy on the eyes, not too much yak, yak, yakking, with perhaps a little liquid libation to help you forget. Forget what? See, it's already working. And don't you be buying that holier than thou stuff that Maddie's trying to feed you -- I've got some proof here that the lady really sizzles. ~~David
ALL text written AND interviews posted are the work of the editors of DavidandMaddie.com ©2002-2007, Cindy Klauss & Diane Hopkins
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Gordon Caron, Cybill Shepherd or Bruce Willis (don't we wish!)
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