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Bruce Willis in Las Vegas

Bruce Willis and Diane Hopkins
Diane and Bruce in Las Vegas September 3, 2004

On Labor Day weekend, I had the opportunity to attend Bruce Willis's concert at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas, as well as spend some time with him at some after concert events. It was a wonderful experience, and Bruce was extremely kind and caring to all the members. Believe me, the man is a gentleman……I am more of a fan than ever…but now I am a "pal" too.

~~Diane Hopkins, Site Co-editor

Bruce Willis Las Vegas
As far as charm is concerned, David Addison has nothing on this guy.
Bruce Willis Las Vegas
Here is Diane and Bruce at the Golden Nugget. See that "signature smirk!"
Bruce Willis Las Vegas
Bruce and the Accelerators make some sweet music.
Bruce Willis Las Vegas
Another shot of Bruce on stage.
Bruce Willis Las Vegas
As you can see, the eyes are green!
Bruce Willis Las Vegas
Bruce plays the harp.

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