Moonlighting With
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St. Petersburg Times

April 1, 1987, Wednesday, City Edition


LENGTH: 366 words

HEADLINE: David and Maddie end all the wondering



Moonlighting, WTSP-Ch. 10 and WWSB-Ch. 40, 9 p.m. Tuesdays

The morning after.

And the big question is, who scrambled the eggs?

Last night Maddie and David finally, finally made love - and to each other! Oh, couldn't you just die?

For 2 1/2 years there has been nothing - well, almost - but sexual tension. You could cut it with a knife.

Not that Maddie's long-time friend and recent lover Sam isn't a major league hunk. I'd go crazy for a man who knows wine and sings along with Sinatra. Okay, so with David it's beer and limbo. But let's face it, with Sam she'd be bored in a year. He probably takes his library books back on time, rakes leaves as they're falling and never hogs the blanket. You know, all those perfecto things that you think you'd really like in a man until he starts parking his dental floss next to yours.

But Maddie - a woman whose dishwasher running is the only heavy heaving in her home at night - needs some excitement.

The kid has had it rough. The detective agency was the best thing she ever did. She was real down after losing all her modeling money.

She just hung around the house, doing her nails - no spunk. Hard to believe now. David's had her running around in one madcap adventure after another.

Sure, he's a man with a past. Wild weekends, scores of women, drinks a little too much. "You're a mess," Sam tells David in last night's episode. "You're scum," Maddie tells David.

So why the fireworks at the end of the show between David and Maddie? "You feel it and I feel it," David says to her. They call each other the nasty "b" words. She raises her hand to slap him in the face for the third time ... when suddenly flesh meets flesh. Lips are locked. They roll on the floor, breaking glass, moving furniture.

The gutful tune "Be My Baby" blares in the background. Cut to the bedroom. Maddie and David are smiling. God, this is great television love. Home Page


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