Moonlighting With
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From the Los Angeles Times Letters to the Editors, April 1987 - May 1987


The Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles, Calif.;

Apr 12, 1987;

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There is so much that I objected to in the long-awaited "Moonlighting" episode wherein David and Maddie end up together.

But what so offends me is the sexist, hedonistic, irresponsible attitude that has prevailed: that two attractive people cannot work together, cannot admire each other without sexual involvement.



The Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles, Calif.;

Apr 19, 1987;

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Some "Moonlighting" viewers are missing the point entirely (Calendar Letters, April 12).

Love and hate are basically two sides of the same emotional coin, intense feeling expressed in different ways. Since Maddie and David usually express the intense feelings they have for each other by duking it out, the only believable way they could have gotten together is to be in the middle of a fight and suddenly "flip the coin," so to speak.

Once they admit that they actually love each other, then they can be "gentle and romantic." "Moonlighting" fans should know better than to expect Darby and Joan.


My vote for best season finale goes to "Moonlighting."

The Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles, Calif.;

May 24, 1987;

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My vote for best season finale goes to "Moonlighting." It was hilarious and I can't wait to see how they handle Maddie's pregnancy next season. My vote for worst season finale: "Cheers." It also was hilarious, but somewhat contrived and very disappointing. We should have at least been able to see Sam and Diane get married before Shelley Long left the show.

Kathy Carlisle, Huntington Beach Home Page


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